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Monday, April 27, 2015

This was not the plan

Well, the day after Mom arrived I lost my voice. So I've been whispering/croaking out French as we make our way around. If wishes of a good recovery are worth anything, I should be better soon--half of Paris seems to have given me well wishes.

Sunday we headed to the Eiffel Tower for lunch. I didn't read the fine print on the website, so our 3-course lunch was actually a 5-course lunch (the 3-course is only available on weekdays)
We rode up an elevator that is only used by the restaurant and since were some of the first to arrive, we got a window seat with a view of the Seine, and lots of tourists.
Turbot with Morel mushrooms
At first I didn't want to take photos in the restaurant, but when I saw the man sitting next to us do it, I thought, "why not?" We're at the Eiffel Tower--everyone's a tourist here. So I apologize that I don't have photos of the first 2 courses: The perfect egg and asparagus.
Lamb with artichoke hearts
Even the menu didn't really doe the dishes justice as to the flavors and textures. At one point I asked Mom if she could tell what the flavors in one dish were. She said, "Yes, wonderful." What is not pictured for dessert is two baskets, one with little chocolate marshmallows, the other with large plain ones. And these were handmade ones, not the ones you get at Safeway in a big bag.

Dessert 1: rhubarb and strawberry

Dessert 2: Chocolate perfection served with hazelnut ice cream

We were supposed to visit the Jeanne Lanvin visit next, but I got mixed up and took us to the Louvre instead. Since we had already missed our entry time, we went into the Louvre. I apologize if anyone is offended by some of the captions, it's just what popped into my head when looking at the paintings.

Dessert 2: macarons, chocolate & thyme sandwiches
almond muffins

ack! tourists!

Women: Take the photo already.
Baby: Yo, dude! BRT--family photo, ugh.

Damn renters--I just bought this pillowcase at Walmart,
and someone slept on it without taking off their makeup
Should I keep their deposit?

Haha! Look at me! I'm at coronation! I totally fit in!
Oh look! The Mona Lisa!

No jokes here--really love this one.

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